Sunday, July 27, 2008

music by the album

here is something you might enjoy, a great site called music by the album, that was started by a fellow patty griffin fan. his goal is to maybe introduce you to a new artist and/or a new album that you may not have been aware of previously. and then to listen to their creation, "the album" as it was intended, in full, from beginning to end. there are some great choices and nice diversity of music and artists on the site. hope you enjoy. and it's definitely stuff you won't be exposed to on your local radio stations.

here is an explaination from russell, the site's founder...

Welcome to Music by the Album

Art is an expression of the creator’s self, entertainment is an expression of what the creator believes others enjoy. It’s good we have both, but may we always have musical artists.

Now that we can download music a song at a time, create our own playlists, and let our digital music players randomly select the songs it plays, it seems the album is becoming less and less important. I do all three of those things myself. But, I still like to listen to an album from beginning to end, with all songs played in the order as intended by those involved in creating the album, primarily the musician(s) and producer(s).

This site is designed to give others an opportunity to do the same with some albums that I find to be interesting in some way or another and that others might as well. I don’t follow any guidelines for the albums I post other than that. What makes an album “interesting” to me? That varies from album to album - it might be the sequence of the songs, it might be the overall sound of the music, it might be the concept of the album, it might be the story behind the album or artist and have nothing to do with the music itself, or, in many cases, it might be a combination of any one or more of the above. What I find interesting extends to many genres. In fact, I often find an album interesting because it includes several genres on the album.

Most of the posted albums were released in the 15 years or so prior to the post and some were released just prior to the post. A relatively few of the posted albums were released many years prior to the post. No classics or platinum albums will be posted - the albums posted here are pretty much all released on independent labels that don’t consider radio airplay as an indicator of quality music. Instead, most of the albums (but not all) are by lesser-known artists and groups.

I encourage registration. If you register, you will get email notification of postings. You will also be able to comment on the albums.

Please note that you do not have to listen to the album in one sitting. You can skip around and pause as you wish. That said, I highly recommend that you listen to these albums from beginning to end if you have the chance.

I’ve tried to set up the site so that the music files cannot be downloaded. I imagine some hackers can figure a way around it, but please don’t try.

enjoy music by the album and if you find something you like, please support the artists by purchasing a copy and if possible, but it at your local independent record store.

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